Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How is your toddler behavior??

my nephew-Yijing , 4 years plus.. She is more to introverted type, she enjoys reading book and writing any words that she has been taught. Sometimes, she loves singing ( with no lyrics) and dancing on the floor. hehe.. however, she easily cried when nobody bother her or nobody fit her expectation.
I think here is some step which can help your toddler calm down her mood.
First, you need to understand what causes his/her outbursts.
At this young age, children are self-centred. They are unable to see things from another person perspective. Thus, they will not consider what you say or how you feel when you try to explain to him why she/he cannot have. He is more interested what he is now, his own feeling and his needs.
ya!! sometimes they realises that her tantrums can get her what he wants, he will constantly use to get his own way. Like, crying out loud, throw things off, or even intimidate their parents.
Do you feel so???
As a parents, we should always be their side, guide them and give them encouragement.
Sometimes, we should ignore their non-threatening misbehavior. Instead, focus on what he is doing right. Pay attention to her positive behavior and encourage them to behave appropriately, without nagging or fussing.

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